9 Steps For Using the Heart to Connect With Your Higher Self

Manisha Priyadarshan
February 20, 2024
woman meditating in park

Yoga is a method of union with the Source. Different styles of yoga use different methods to make this connection. Unlike many types of yoga we’re familiar with in the West, this doesn’t have to be a physical practice. Higher Self Yoga’s method for this union is through connection to and communication with the inner Higher Self.

The path to your Higher Self lies within the heart center and the rational mind.  And while there are a number of ways to connect to your Higher Self, many beginners find it’s easiest to start first from the heart with this practice:

1. Focus your attention not where your heart itself is, but the center of the chest. Focus your awareness and notice any changes in sensation to signal that you’ve successfully made this connection.

2. These signs may feel subtle at first. It is normal for beginners to question whether they have made this connection, but you will gain confidence in time and with practice. Look for feelings of peace, warmth, light, expansion, or connection radiating from your chest center. Try to maintain that sensation throughout the session.

3. When you are connected to your heart, you can access your Higher Self. It helps some people to envision their Higher Self as a being that they can call upon. Others will just sense the arrival of a pure, positive energy or presence.

4. Once you’ve felt the arrival of the Higher Self, imagine a physical connection, linking your heart center to its heart center. Feel this energy flow through you.


5. At this point, you can ask your Higher Self questions or seek Its guidance. The answers you may receive may be in the form of thoughts, feelings, symbols, or a sense of knowing. The answers you seek may be delayed and come in the form of a dream or reach you at a later time when you are ready to receive them.

6. Note that things like negative energy, ego, or your personal desires can be mistaken as answers from your Higher Self. Therefore, it is important to process the answer from the heart using the rational mind.  

Learning to truly trust ourselves with these important questions when we have never done so before is one of the most difficult and rewarding parts of this practice.

7. Ask yourself if the answer makes sense. If there are any practical blocks or further information you need that prevents you from acting on the answer coming from your heart.

8. Evaluate whether the answers you’ve received when placed in your heart center and your rational mind are in alignment. If not, repeat the process until they are. If you become stuck, ask your Higher Self what the root cause of this discordance is; this may help reveal the answers or strategies you need to achieve that consensus.

9. Trust that the answers that we receive from our Higher Self means trusting that we have always contained the knowledge and wisdom we seek. Learning to truly trust ourselves with these important questions when we have never done so before is one of the most difficult and rewarding parts of this practice. When you feel that you are ready to end the conversation, thank your Higher Self and open your eyes.

When you feel that you are ready to end the conversation, thank your Higher Self and open your eyes. Repeat the practice over several days if you feel like it had a positive effect.


Keep Working With the Heart

Continue to strengthen your connection to your heart with “Living from the Heart: A Guided Experience”. This Higher Self Yoga class offers students a conceptual understanding of the heart, inquiries for developing a sincere relationship with the needs of the heart, a cumulative meditation practice, and lessons for practical application to open-hearted living.

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