Meet Your Higher Self: An Introductory Guided Meditation

Higher Self Yoga Editors
February 20, 2024
woman meditating in the stars

Communicating with the Higher Self is a practice of surrendering to our higher purpose. Because of its all-encompassing nature, communications with the Higher Self inherently offer us a sense of wholeness. Through meditation with the Higher Self, you no longer prioritize certain elements of your being over others. You are striking a balance between the unique singleness of your being and the ultimate, all-encompassing nature of oneness.

Before beginning your meditation, it can be helpful to find a supportive, quiet place to practice. Set an intention for your practice and if you are working with a given topic, form a question you could bring to your dialogue. Lastly, remember to be a brave and open listener. The knowledge you receive from the Higher Self is incredibly precious, and there is no topic too big or too small for the Higher Self.

Higher Self Yoga · Meet Your Higher Self: An Introductory Guided Meditation

Once you have completed your meditation, take a moment to reflect on what you have experienced. Consider taking a moment to journal your findings. You can also take note of any learnings and begin to watch out for how these insights might appear in everyday life.

Remember, your relationship with your Higher Self is one that will last a lifetime.
